Brandon’S Story

High energy Firefighter with a disease!
My name is Brandon. I’m a firefighter. I’ve always been healthy. I’ve always eaten healthy. I’ve always had a lot of energy until about seven years ago. I started noticing my energy was slowly going down. Things that I want to do, I couldn’t because I just didn’t have the energy. I use to never drink anything with caffeine, until about seven years ago, when my energy started dropping. I started going to many different doctors to try and find out why, with no results. Up until 3 months ago, I was drinking 5 energy drinks a day and still lacked energy. So, I reached out to a friend and asked her about her Beneve drink that she was so happy with. My friend gave my wife and I, a 4-day sample to try. My wife noticed a difference in her energy level within 15 minutes, with just taking 1/4 of the stick. I used the remaining 3/4 of a stick and felt an increase of energy in about 30 minutes! Its now been about 3 months and the Beneve Xcelerate beverage & P3 (Super Antioxidant) is the only thing that gives me clean energy, the way I use to have it. I wake up feeling more refreshed and ready to take on the day!
I now have energy and I’m in a better mood. I’m truly grateful to be able to find this product and have the results I’ve been able to obtain to keep me doing what I need to do as both a father, and as a firefighter. This has truly helped me save my firefighter career, as my lack of energy and ability to properly do my job was becoming a real concern.
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