Nicole’S Story

Tired teacher? Tired Mom? Not no mo!
My name is Nicoke and this is my Beneve story. Before these products I was 249 pounds. I was the teacher and mom who was always tired, struggled to lose any weight at all, and always felt on edge. But these products have transformed my life.
Not only am I down 50 pounds, but I have all day energy for my students and even more for my 3 year old son when I get home. I have the most patience I've ever had. I'm able to quiet the food noise and now I sleep through the night. I will never go a day without my xcelerate coffee, G3 gut health, or my PowerOf3. These 3 products have helped me become the mom and teacher I knew I could be. Letting stress roll off my shoulders, laugh in the moment, and enjoy life to the fullest. What I want to say to the others like me, as Dicky V once said "Don't give up. Don't you ever give up". I had given up on myself. I had given up on finding something that worked. I had given up on losing weight and feeling happy. But these products, they've given me hope. They can do the same for you!
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