Meghan’S Story

From the ground up
My name is Meghan and this is my Beneve story! 6 months ago I was at my lowest I’ve ever been. I was miserable, short fused and just hated my body so I’d eat to make it feel better. I was so disgusted with the way I let myself get, that I hit that point of feeling like I’d never get out of it.
Beneve has changed my life in ways I never thought was possible. I met my influencer who just raved about these products. And I had a hard time believing how amazing they were because I thought they would be like all the rest. Little did I know that these products were going to become a part of my day to day routine. I am a watermelon berry girly. I absolutely love it so it’s my drink of choice twice a day along side the power of 3 once a day. The benefits in experiencing are high energy, weight loss, mood changes (for the good!), and keeping up with my kids! My family and friends have been amazing and some are along on the journey with me, but there has been nothing but support and noticing my changes as well. To those who are struggling and fighting with yourself like I was you’re not alone. Those battles can bring you to the darkest places and it takes just that right person to come along in your life to help you make that change, as simple as adding a few drinks to your day to day routine!
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